Thursday, August 23, 2007

Booking through Thursday : Indoctrination

When growing up did your family share your love of books? If so, did one person get you into reading? And, do you have any family-oriented memories with books and reading? (Family trips to bookstore, reading the same book as a sibling or parent, etc.)

My family reads. Always read. Always will read. It's our nature to read. No matter what else we do or don't do, that remains constant.
My best family-oriented book memory is a trip to the big Barnes & Noble store on Fifth Avenue in the late 1950s. While my mother was looking for art books about The Floating World, I wandered around the used-book section, where I found a lovely Everyman's Library copy of Jane Eyre, bound in red cloth, and only a dollar or two. I had a dollar or two. Reader, I bought it, read it, and still read it.



bookinhand said...

What a great memory about buying a special book! Diane

Carrie said...

Definitely a wonderful memory! I was late to the game as well today. My answer is here:

Literary Feline said...

Jane Eyre is such a wonderful book! And you have a great memory to go with it, Melanie. Thanks for sharing!

Alice said...

What a lovely family of readers you have there, Melanie! That's a very nice environment to be in. :D

Paula said...

Oh, Barnes & Noble store on Fifth Avenue in the late 1950s? What a fantastic memory!

Everyone in my family has always been and will always be readers.
But I have a great memory of when my son was about 8 or 9 years old and we were browsing our local Barnes and Noble that we went to every Saturday afternoon by ourselves. There was a terrible storm that day and the store clerk quietly approached everyone in the store and told us that there was a tornado coming and to please and calmly take our books and go to the back of the store were it was safer. When we got back there with the other patrons we sat on the floor with the others and read all the books we had collected. Not one person panicked and everyone just read until we were told that the tornado had passed over the store and we could go home.
To this day I think that event has made a huge impression on my Son.