Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A perfect time to read

"Headcold" is an eye-catching, swollen-looking font. Headcold is not, to my knowledge, the name of a musical group but it should be. Headcold is also not a quaint, little English town near the real town of Mousehole, but, again, it should be. Headcold is what I have. I hate headcolds.
Symptomatic relief is all one can aim for, but not all home remedies are equal. I know many people praise the neti pot, but I can't bring myself to try one. I am much more comfortable with piping tea with honey through the day, and with tea toddies at bedtime. A couple of other remedies I've not tried include (for sore throat) hot milk in which an onion has been simmered, and (all-purpose) milk warmed with black pepper, turmeric and a little sugar. Of course there is always chicken soup, and recipes for it are legion. As a soup lover, I admit to making pots of it for any reason and for no reason, so why not make some to ease a headcold? I am having soup tonight, and I laid in a generous supply of oranges and grapefruit. Have they any particular value when one has a cold? I don't know, but I craved them. I did not crave Haagen Dazs coconut sorbet, but I bought a pint of it. A puzzle magazine and a book are at hand, so I am well-stocked in headcold comfort supplies and in self-pity, so I'm ready for this seige.
I wish *you* a cold-free season.

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