Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tagged for a meme

1. What book are you reading right now?
Planters, Containers & Raised Beds, A Gardener's Guide, by Chuck Crandall and Barbara Crandall

2. What was the last book you read on a plane?
I last flew a month before 9/11, but I don't remember the book. It was probably a true-crime book, though.

3. What was the last book you read on a roadtrip?
Driving gets in the way of my reading on road trips. :)

4. What was the most unusual place you found yourself reading?
Oh, let me see....that might be The Petrified Forest. We took a big family vacation when I was a teenager, and I read a lot while we drove cross-country. I recall being scolded by my grandmother for being so lazy as to try viewing The Petrified Forest from inside our car, with my book on my lap. NB, I said "try;" Grandma routed me out of there for at least a little while. No wonder the Forest was petrified - - Grandma was there!

5. What books would you take to keep you occupied on
a two-week vacation to the beach?

I adore the seashore! I'm a leisurely beachcomber who also enjoys just watching the eternal pull and thrust of the ocean. I don't read there, although I tried it once (got sand in my book).

Teabird tagged me for this. I hereby tag all comers.

1 comment:

teabird said...

No wonder the Forest was petrified - - Grandma was there!

Ha! I love it.